Røyskatt porselens figur - The Lomonosov Imperial Porcelain Factory USSR Sovjetunionen Russland

Flott figur med stempel og uten skader, krakelering eller skjemmende bruksmerker. Høyde ca 18 cm.

NOK127,00 inkl. mva.
På lager: 1 stk.


På nettsiden kan man lese følgende om Lomonosov porcelain:


Empress Elizabeth, Peter the Great's daughter, founded the Neva Porcelain Manufactory (The Lomonosov Imperial Porcelain Factory ) in St. Petersburg in 1744. It was the first porcelain company in Russia and the third in all of Europe. This is where the talented Russian scientist Dmitry Vinogradov (1720-1758) discovered the secret of making "white gold." He was the first in the history of ceramics was a scientific description of porcelain production, which is close to the latest concepts of ceramic chemistry.


Sovjetunionen ble formelt avviklet 25. desember 1991.