Røyskatt porselens figur - The Lomonosov Imperial Porcelain Factory USSR Sovjetunionen Russland

Flott figur med stempel og uten skader, krakelering eller skjemmende bruksmerker. Høyde ca 18 cm.

NOK127,00 inkl. mva.


På nettsiden kan man lese følgende om Lomonosov porcelain:


Empress Elizabeth, Peter the Great's daughter, founded the Neva Porcelain Manufactory (The Lomonosov Imperial Porcelain Factory ) in St. Petersburg in 1744. It was the first porcelain company in Russia and the third in all of Europe. This is where the talented Russian scientist Dmitry Vinogradov (1720-1758) discovered the secret of making "white gold." He was the first in the history of ceramics was a scientific description of porcelain production, which is close to the latest concepts of ceramic chemistry.


Sovjetunionen ble formelt avviklet 25. desember 1991.